Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Our Lady of Kibeho

I am currently reading a book about Our Lady of Kibeho a Rwandan genocide survivor Immaculeé Ilibagiza , I am really intrigued by this apparition of our Lady. The African spirit is something that is deeply moving and something that we can all learn from. They have so little and yet they are so rich in spirit. I know I take for granted that I have running water whenever I need it within just a few steps but for many they walk miles in order to get to the nearest water pump, and even then it may not be drinkable.

Our Lady of Kibeho has a great message for the world: pray, love, repent.

When looking at the world today it is no surprise to me that the message is similar to the messages heard in Fatima, in Medjugorje, in Lourdes...when will we get it? When will I get it? I need to remember to pray each day the rosary (as a good friend said it is the most powerful wireless device in the world).

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